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Valley View Community Primary School



Our school works in partnership with many groups, schools and organisations. Some of these partnerships are local, some are national and some are even international.


We are very proud to be part of an Erasmus Partnership with funding from the British Council. This project means that we have partnerships with schools in five other countries. Currently these are Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain and Sweden . Our oldest pupils, Year 6, have been fortunate enough to travel to the Czech Republic. We can see how much our children and indeed our entire school community gains from the shared projects we take part in.  Many staff have had the opportunities of taking part in projects abroad.

Local partnerships

Valley View is part of a close knit ‘Family’ of schools in our immediate locality. These primary schools meet together regularly to share strategies for school improvement. We spend times in one another’s schools sharing good practice and learning and improving together.

Cluster Working

Our local cluster which comprises schools in our immediate area, and also the other key services in our area, meet together regularly to address the needs of the area and to work in closer partnership with one another. This ensures that services do not overlap each other, but instead complement each other’s services.

Children’s Corner Nursery

Our school enjoys a close and effective working relationship with Children’s Corner. This private Day Nursery provides day care on our school site for babies and toddlers from 4 months old. Links ensure in particular between their Pre-school children and our Reception class, that there is smooth transition between nursery and school.

Leeds Beckett University

Our school has a well established link with Leeds Beckett university. This partnership offers rewards for both the university and ourselves. We support their students who spend time with us when on placement as teaching students. The benefits which the school receives include their students working with our children on specific projects and also helping our children to aspire to being at university by hosting them as visitors.

Professional Agencies

To support the needs of all our children, it is important that we develop and maintain partnerships with a whole range of agencies. This we have good relationships with the school nursing service, Educational Psychologists, specialist teaching services for visually impaired children, speech and language therapists, and other professionals.

Local Churches and Religious Groups

Our school is in the parish of St Thomas, Stanningley. We welcome the vicar from there to lead assemblies and also staff from Rodley Church. Our Key Stage 2 children visit a Synagogue, a Cathedral and a Mosque and this allows us to maintain links with other religious groups.

Music Providers

As a school with an established reputation in Music we are very pleased to work in partnership with several providers of music tuition.

Chevin Music provide us with specialist teacher for music and clarinet both as whole class and small group input.

Artforms help us with a cornet teacher for whole class lessons.

We have a thriving partnership with the concert band of the Horsforth Music Centre and every Christmas they accompany our ‘Carols Round the Tree’ event.

Chess in Schools

Through this wonderful charity, we have been able to provide chess lessons for children in Year 3 and a chess club for children in Year 4 . We have been given the opportunity to take part in chess tournaments and competitions. We have even been able to take some children to London to play chess.