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Valley View Community Primary School




At Valley View Primary School the intention of the Geography curriculum is to inspire children to be curious and confident citizens, where they develop a life-long love of learning about the complex world in which we live. We intend to equip our children with the geographical knowledge and vocabulary and a deep understanding of the diverse human and physical world around them.

They will develop geographical skills through the study of places, people and natural and human environments. Children will also be given opportunities to collect, analyse and communicate a range of data through fieldwork. Pupils at Valley View are encouraged to be democratic and socially confident, by recognising that they have a voice to debate topics and the ability to shape their own lives, as well as those within their community.



At Valley View, our Geography curriculum is taught in blocks throughout the year. Teachers follow a comprehensive progression document to best implement and embed the Geography skills. The programmes of study are carefully planned and delivered showing progression, enabling our pupils to develop their own geographical skills and knowledge which can then be transferred to other curriculum areas. The Geography curriculum is planned so that there are opportunities for cross-curricular links to be made to ensure the children have occasions where by they can apply their knowledge and understanding. This will be done through collaborative activities such as: collecting and analysing data, reading maps, atlases, globes, analysing aerial pictures and digital maps.


Children are encouraged to retrieve and make links between prior knowledge and learning. Children will be given the opportunity to develop as geographers by participating in fieldwork and engaging with our local area where possible. To ensure a consistent approach to the teaching of geography across school, each year group has a long term plan and unit overviews, which include key knowledge, skills and information for the topic to review to.


Geography Progression Document