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Valley View Community Primary School




At Valley View Primary School, it is our intention to recognise the importance and excitement of Science in every aspect of daily life. Science provides children with the foundations for understanding the world. We believe that all children can be scientists. Through practical, hands on experiences, we will ignite the curiosity of our children and encourage them to explore and discover the world around them, developing a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Children will develop critical thinking skills, ask big questions, understand and use scientific vocabulary and make meaningful links between what they have learnt and what they already know or have experienced. Our science curriculum will ensure that children develop the transferable skills of observation, communication and teamwork as well as providing them with opportunities to apply and embed skills from across the wider curriculum.


We strive for all children to become confident, enquiry based learners, who learn to ask scientific questions and begin to appreciate the way science will affect their future on a personal, national and global level. Science for children at Valley View means exploring, discovering and investigating the world around them. Scientific activities offer opportunities for much discussion. Our main aim is to encourage curiosity and communication and to develop skills in observation, sorting and classifying, measuring, recording, experimenting and predicting. In science teaching we aim to see:

· children asking questions;

· children planning their own investigations using the different types of scientific enquiry;

· children working collaboratively and discussing their ideas;

· children using correct scientific vocabulary;

· children making connections and having lightbulb moments;

· children challenged and enthused by their learning.



At Valley View, we ensure a wide range of progressive Science topics which focus on the enquiry skills; pattern seeking, identifying and classify, research, observation over time and fair testing.  We use the White Rose Science resources to support the teaching of the science curriculum. Children are provided with rich learning experiences through:

· Quality first teaching for all children.

· A curriculum that has a focus on progression, making links to other areas of learning and retrieval of prior knowledge.

· Helping our children acquire an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of scientific ideas and enquiry.

· Building on our children’s natural curiosity.

· Enabling them to ask relevant scientific questions and apply skills and knowledge to make decisions about how to answer them.

· Promoting collaborative learning and conversation.

· Developing the use of scientific language through collaboration and conversation.


Science Scheme of Work

Science Progression Map