Upper Key Stage 2 Team
Mrs J ScottAssistant Headteacher & Ribble Class Teacher (Fridays)
Mrs J Scott
I have worked in schools since 2002, mainly with Years 4, 5 and 6.
The best thing about teaching is sharing in the children's successes and being a part of their learning journey. I love it when a child tries and tries to understand something and then, in a moment, has a sudden 'light-bulb moment'. These are, for me, the most special times.
I also love working collaboratively and am lucky that at Valley View we all work so well together as a team. I have many good memories, but think my fondest have been taking the children abroad. Not only have I had the opportunity to visit some places I have never been before, but I have shared in the delight of the children as they experience new places.
A word I feel best describes me is 'Honest'.
Mrs N SutcliffeRyburn Class Teacher
Mrs N Sutcliffe
I have been working in schools since 2012.
The best thing about working in a school is that every single day is different so it never gets boring! I know that the children are always going to make me laugh.
The best thing that has happened to me whilst working in a school is taking part in the Shakespeare Schools Festival. I have never been so nervous, excited and petrified for the children I have worked with. It was a roller-coaster of emotions (for me and the children) throughout the rehearsal process and we had quite a few wobbles along the way. On the night they absolutely blew me away and I was so proud watching them from the side of the stage,so much so I made a few chuckle whilst I was jumping around like a lunatic when they were remembering everything we had worked on! I have never been so full of pride for a group of children I have worked with. Definitely a highlight for my teaching career so far!
The word to describe me: 'Dedicated'.
Mrs D MallettRibble Class Teacher
Mrs D Mallett
I started working in schools in 2001, and have worked at Valley View since it opened.
I love working in our school because the children are great and we have a lot of fun and the staff work as a team.
The funniest things that have happened are when I got locked in the PE cupboard at a Rainbow Party; I had custard poured on me when my class all teamed up to buy tokens; and when I set the alarm off in the disabled toilet at South Leeds Stadium when at a football competition. (I thought it was the light switch!).
A word to describe me - 'busy'!
Miss R MastonWashburn Class Teacher
Miss R Maston
I have been working in schools since 2015.
One thing I love about teaching is the variety that every day brings. One hour you can be teaching about the Rivers of the world, then in the next hour you can be learning how to using coding software on the computer! You can also always count on the children to bring variety to your day as you never quite know which direction their inquisitive minds will take the learning.
One of the funniest things that has happened to me as a teacher is on many occasions being mistaken as one of the children in the class! At 5ft tall, you easily blend into a crowd of Key Stage 2 children!
The one word that describes me as a professional is 'Energetic'.
Mrs M FogartyWashburn & Ryburn Class Teacher
Mrs M Fogarty
Mr L DixonWenning Class Teacher
Mr L Dixon
I have been working in schools since 2007.
As a teacher, I particularly like the fact that every day is different; one day children are investigating in Science whereas another day children could be researching historical facts or problem solving in maths.
I enjoy learning new skills and researching different interesting facts and activities so as to make my lessons fun. I also enjoy watching children progress - the "aha moment" is priceless when a child finally understands what you've been teaching. You can see it on their faces, and you know you've opened a door in their minds that might otherwise have remained closed.
One word to describe me as a professional would be 'Dedicated'.
Mrs H DurkanGraduate Learning Assistant
Mrs H Durkan
I've been working in schools since 2015.
I love working in schools because I love working with children and learning new things every day. I love that every day is different.
Valley View School is a fantastic place to work because of our children and staff, who work together to learn and care for each other.
My funniest memory is when my class managed to persuade myself and lots of other Valley View staff to have cold custard poured all over our heads in front of the rest of the school!
A word to describe me is 'Kind'.
Mrs D StuttardRibble Class Teaching Assistant
Mrs D Stuttard
I have worked in schools since 2002, and I've been at Valley View since we opened in 2006.
My job is challenging, exciting and fun. No two days are ever the same.
At Valley View I appreciate the support and enthusiasm that each and every staff member shares with one another. I feel lucky and proud that I can work with children of all ages and always feel welcomed by them when entering their classrooms. I appreciate the fact that my professional development is important to the management team, who support and encourage requests for training courses to further develop my skills.
The funniest thing that has happened was when we had an Art Week in school. Mrs Dowling had several large tins of emulsion paint in the boot of her car, she asked me to take the four tins upstairs. Well, I didn't actually get to the landing because I suddenly noticed that as I climbed each step the tins had been knocking against my hips, and as Mrs Dowling later admitted, "The lids hadn't been put back on properly" therefore each and every step -carpeted- had been covered in paint! (I'm not sure that Mrs Griggs and Mr Richards find this funny - yet!).
A word to describe me: 'Enthusiastic'.
Ms F StevensRyburn Class Teaching Assistant
Ms F Stevens
Mrs M RichardsRyburn Class Teaching Assitant
Mrs M Richards
Mrs J SineyYear 6 Senior Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Siney
I've worked in schools since 1991... and started here in January 2012.
I love the "awe and wonder" moments when children learn something new.
I was once mistaken for one of the children on a school trip and was told, "You're a confident little madam, maybe you should wait for your teacher to come and sign you all in!" (at a museum )
A word to describe me is 'Caring'.
Mrs A DalgleishWashburn Teaching Assistant
Mrs A Dalgleish
I started working at Valley View in 2011. Before this I spent a year volunteering with the charity, Beanstalk, which works to improve reading in primary school children.
The children and staff are what makes Valley View such a great place to be. I am proud to be a small cog in the machine that helps give children the skills they'll need for a successful future.
The best thing has to be watching the progress that every child makes watching them grow in confidence and social skills, as well as abilities. Being a part of those 'penny-drop' moments is a real pleasure.
A word to describe me is 'Supportive'.